Hi, my name's Christie. This is how I feel. {I obviously have more hair, and no facial hair, but point taken} I really can only dream of...
Hi, my name's Christie. This is how I feel.
{I obviously have more hair, and no facial hair, but point taken}
I really can only dream of a day when I am a tenured teacher and do not have to remove my things from my classroom and start fresh. It's so overwhelming to stand in a classroom full of stuff. Plus the fact that I may have a slight tendency to resemble one of my students who has attention issues. I finish only parts of things I'm working on then I need to move to other things. I go back and forth leaving all sorts of projects lying around the floor. I have wanted to take pictures for 3 days now, but by the time they're kicking us out for the day I'm so exhausted I can't wait to run to the nearest exit to sit in my car and enjoy... sitting... just that. On top of that, the mister's son is staying with us for the weekend, so I've been trying to enjoy some time here and there with them. I actually took a break today to eat some Olive Garden {insert angels singing here}. I'm so jealous, they went to Bear's training camp today. All kinds of sad and jealous about that one.
I found out today, I tentatively have... wait for it... 24 students. That in itself is the miracle of the day. I could also only dream of the day when I would have less than 30 students. I'm hoping it stays that way, but the ink won't be touching those name tags until next Wednesday morning (which by the way, I think I should start practicing my cursive now, cuz... well... it's a extremely little rusty. I am hoping my FABULOUS aunt finishes my amazing seat sacks. We bought the fabric, but I'm not quite sure how they're going to come out. We shall see! Hopefully they're all kinds of ugh-mazing!! :)
To all of you out there in Bloggy Land, especially anyone who has purchased or downloaded anything from me, I so appreciate your patience. A few short weeks ago, my turn around time I custom orders was maybe hours, now it's turned into days. For the most part everyone has been super understanding... I appreciate it tons and tons and tons!! Hopefully I'll have some time closer to this weekend to sit down and fill most of my current orders! :) I have been looking for a few things lately, so I sat down to create some things for myself. I posted a few in my Teacher's Notebook, and I have a few for you!! I also am still working on what I want my giveaway to be... it may be Friday before I figure it out for sure though. Here are some things for your enjoyment!!
{game to practice adding inflectional endings and making new words}
{makes it easier for the teacher to know who goes where}
{printable for readers to keep with them while they read}
{includes sight, math, science, & social studies words!}
{easy for students to fill out, zebra themed}
{perfect for students and you to monitor how much they practice their facts}
Also I must mention I've had tons of requests for things that match the chocolate dots theme, so there are lots of items popping up that match that theme. I've had quite a few questions regarding pocket chart cards for Daily 5. They are posted in the store in 2 forms, a set of just them, and a set that goes with posters that explain what you can do at each activity.
As a side note... I have decided against using these:
I have thought about posting them on Teacher's Notebook, but I'm not sure anyone would want them. If anyone has any interest whatsoever let me know. They are extremely sturdy, made with 2 kinds of cardstock, and the letters are VERY thick chipboard. They are not laminating because of the chipboard. I can take more pictures of them close up or from the side if you are interested! Those letters were crazy expensive to just waste them!
I've had a few people e-mailing me with ideas for things they have not been able to find out there in teacher land. If there's everything something like this you're looking for, let me know! I'm sure I've thought about making it, or I have it somewhere in my files!! I think it's time for bed for me. I'm stressed and very excited to get back into my room tomorrow. I promise I'll get to pictures and to the giveaway!! Any ideas of things you would want in a giveaway? - aside from a million dollars ;-)