I know the world in unnecessarily rude, I have my moments, but some people are just plain mean . I've been working non-stop in my room a...
I know the world in unnecessarily rude, I have my moments, but some people are just plain mean. I've been working non-stop in my room and at home on my stuff and the last few requests I've gotten from people. I haven't even logged onto my blog in days. That's weird coming from the girl that posted multiple times a day just a few weeks ago. It's also weird I've gotten so upset with things that have occurred this week.
I may be closing up shop permanently after 1 rude person. It's funny how we things happen with our students, and 1 ruins something for everyone, that's kinda how I feel right now. You'd think people would learn by the time they were grownups. One mean person has left me thinking maybe I don't want to bother dealing with things. I'd like to say that I made a silly mistake, but my wonderful mentor for the past 2 years tells her kids there is no such thing. So I'll go with it. I tried to do something nice for someone and in return I was met with some insanely mean people. Maybe I was right to stop blogging the first time around, I love sharing things with people and helping people make their rooms the way they want them... because well I love having my room exactly the way I want it. Maybe I'll sleep on it for a few more days... in the mean time back to my main focus right now, my new 25 friends that I get to meet this Wednesday!!