...you just got finished watching the Jersey Shore. I can't help it. It brings me such pain joy to watch the Jersey Shore and Teen Mom....
...you just got finished watching the Jersey Shore.
I can't help it. It brings me such pain joy to watch the Jersey Shore and Teen Mom. It's actually more like background noise, but I do stop my work every once in a while to watch.
I'm been spending some time off the computer getting together all of my stuff. I'm sneaking into school tomorrow so I can bring some of my stuff back, measure my desk, measure my chairs, and move everything so I can figure out how much room I have.
I normally am super picky and crazy about things I see, or ideas I hear about. Normally I have to change them up and really make them my own, but I just couldn't help but be inspired by this post by Create-Teach-Share. Omiword, I love it. I'm already scrapbooking my drawers, but this took it to a whole other level. Funny thing is I've been looking for a cute and useful set of drawers just like this. Every store I've been to has not had one I like, until I found the one in her post. I used pink, green, and yes, you guessed it... Zebra Print!! I pretty much LOVE it!!
Over at my store I posted a new Class Information Set full of goodies to use in your binder. I also posted, per request of one of my wonderful readers, a voice level chart. It's a fabulous idea that I've thought about using in the past, but I haven't ever had a problem with noise. Honestly, it ended up so adorable that I might just have to use it. There are a few other things I'm posting based off some inspirations from my FABULOUS readers!!
Ms. Wendy wanted a blank place for her kids to write their names, depending on what stage of CAFE they are on. So she's going to put this right below the posters, and they'll write on it with a dry erase marker! A new take on the idea of putting post it's under each strategy.
Ms. Tiffany used my book labels, but wanted a sign for the place where her kids return the books. I don't do a checkout system, and I have kids put the books back on their own, but I will use this for the bin where the kids bring their library (school library) books back. So sparkly...
The class information set that took forever. I don't know why, but in order to perfect it, it took forever. These are all sheets I use constantly. There's a zebra information sheet like the one I posted a while back to hand out to your parents to write down the kiddos information.
Here is Ms. Laura's request for a voice chart. I love it to the max. It's all kinds of colorful!
I've been really slow about getting to bigger customized items, so please stay with me if you're waiting for something. Patience is SOO appreciated. Especially while I get my stuff ready. Depending on how tomorrow and Monday go, I may have to take a customizing break. Eekk... I've been getting overwhelmed though. If you really need something quickly {like one of my bloggy friends who was up at midnight the day before school started and needed nametags} let me know and I'll do my best. Alright my bloggy peeps, I'm away to laminate some stuff while I'm deliriously falling asleep. My 400 follower giveaway is finally coming tomorrow.