I just spent about an hour organizing my e-mail and my Teacher's Notebook Store. If for some reason you've been waiting to hear ba...
I just spent about an hour organizing my e-mail and my Teacher's Notebook Store. If for some reason you've been waiting to hear back from me about something please send me another e-mail. Not having e-mail this weekend totally threw me... so did gaining so many followers so quite. I'm a little overwhelmed by that too! It didn't help that my Comcast went out today {again} for like 4 hours (insert insanely crazed and angry blonde here). Like really, can't you just get it straight? Since when does the heat make my cable go out everyday at 4pm? Ugh! But yet, it stays on while the world's loudest thunder is occurring right now outside the window. Geeze. Gimme a break peeps! Anyway, I'm finishing up 1 bigger project that I spent some time doing today, plus I finished a few other things. I haven't been creating as many new things because I'm working on a few bigger things, plus I've gotten a lot of requests lately, and I'm sure I will after today.
These items will be posted in my store very shortly:
{Punctuation Posters Set}
[available in zebra, but customizable]
{Lesson Plan Book - Seriously HUGE for me!}
[available in zebra, polka dot, chocolate dots, and customizable]
{i PICK poster}
[available in zebra, polka dot, chocolate dots, and customizable]
I got some e-mails today from people who are doing a Dots on Chocolate theme. I'm not going to repost everything I've ever done, but if you want something specific e-mail me. Depending on how long it takes, I may post it in my Teacher's Notebook. Otherwise I'll post it in Google Docs. I did get a message on my last post from Ms. Valerie. She said she is doing this theme, but everyone was sold out of this stuff. If any of you live near Chicago come raid my stuff LOL, I have tons from last year. Anyway, Valerie said she started school tomorrow and had NO name tags! My heart broke :( so I made these... I hope she gets them in time, and I hope they help someone else out there!!
Speaking of Google Docs, before I forget again... I've gotten a few e-mails here and there from people saying, this document or that document looks funny on Google Docs (example a: the "In Our Class" poster has a messed up/scrunched up line). Here's a little secret, if you download them and save them to your computer I promise it won't look like that anymore. I'm not sure why it does that sometimes, but I highly recommend NOT printing straight from Google Docs. Download the document first, open it up, check it, and then print it!! Alright everyone, give me a bit to post everything on Teacher's Notebook, and then you can check them out. In the mean time if you're looking for something e-mail me specifically what you're looking for and I'll do my best to help you out! As for tomorrow... I MUST at least start cutting some of those 200 laminated sheets. Wah. Night everyone!!