So I emailed my principal asking if she knew when we could get back in our rooms, mainly because I had to move all of my stuff home, and now...
So I emailed my principal asking if she knew when we could get back in our rooms, mainly because I had to move all of my stuff home, and now it's all got to be moved back (thank goodness I have the world's most amazing parents and they are storing all of my stuff!). We're open for business August 1, so I can start moving back that day. In the mean time, I'm going to try and think of other things besides school, so today is a non-school related WILW!!
I know that you're supposed to change your skin care routine as you get older, but I can't stop using this. It wakes me up in the morning and I love the smell. It also feels amazing on my sunburnt face!!
I love being tan! Because it's not 100 degrees all year round, and I don't get to lay out at the pool all year, I use this. It's amazing and the best part... it DOESN'T smell. I never liked self tanners because they smell so bad, but not this stuff. Plus you are all shimmery when you put it on. Glitter/Shimmer = LOVE
Speaking of shimmer... as many of you know because of my earlier posts I've been hibernating inside. I have however ventured 20 feet away to the pool the past 2 days in order to avoid the 107 degree heat index. This stuff smells good, has SPF, and... wait for it.... it SHIMMERS!!!
Do others have Jimmy Johns? Is it a Chicago thing? Today I discovered this unwich. I'm in love. We ALWAYS get JJ at school because they deliver! I hate it though because I feel stuffed... after eating this I felt perfectly full. This is my new favorite!!
I love my Nook Color. That is all :)
Okay so that was a random WILW. I like it though... What is everyone else loving right now? How long do all of you have to set up your room before the kiddos come? I never feel like I have enough time.
Well, I have a few things I'm finishing up and making after some suggestions and requests. I'll post later!!