So I've been a little indecisive lately... I've redone my preshy Bloggy a few times now. I think I'm happy with what I finally d...
So I've been a little indecisive lately... I've redone my preshy Bloggy a few times now. I think I'm happy with what I finally designed!! I've also been neglecting all other things in life aside from my computer and crafts. I feel like the end of summer creeps up out of no where!! I'm starting to stress out to the max. There are also a few things factoring into this stressful-ness:
- We were supposed to get into our rooms August 1 - Nope, now it's been moved to August 8!! That only leaves me 1 week because the 3 days of the following week consist of institutes.Ugh.
- So... I used to have probably the biggest room in the school (it's supposed to be the music room) well now I'm in one of the smallest rooms. I peeked in yesterday and checked it out. Umm... panic times a million more.
- Because of my former situation, everything was moved home. Not one thing I own is at school. Therefore, I have to move EVERYTHING back to school. Everyone else got to keep their posters and such up, I am starting fresh. {Disclaimer: Although I'm stressed, let me thoroughly confess my gratefulness and appreciation that I do have a job and any size room at all!!}
{Starbucks Chocolate Banana Vivanno Smoothie}
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Can I be sponsored by these please?
I can't explain enough to you the deliciousness that comes from this little cup.
Added benefit: You don't have to feel guilty drinking them!!
{Aveeno Positively Radiant Tinted Mosturizer}
I don't know the last time I really opened my drawer containing makeup.
This lotion, Mary Kay mascara, and Maybelline eye liner sits proudly on my counter.
This stuff is fabulous, especially for lazy, summer me!! :)
{Mossimo Pocket Tees}
Umm... Hello?! $8, Long, Soft
Did I mention $8? They're so comfy. I love them.
{Champion Reversible Shorts}
I normally live in Express Yoga pants/capris, but with this recent 100 degree plus weather...
I've converted to these bad boys. Umm... I love them!!
They're so comfy... not sure about the reversible part... but love them.
Is anyone else freaking out about wearing real clothes in a few short weeks?
Do I even own anything other than these shorts and yoga pants?!?
I should really check on that...
{Nalgene Water Bottle}
This bad boy (mine's lime green) gets me through everyday at school.
This summer it's gotten me through everyday at home and the gym.
Which might I add is pretty much all I ever do. Gym and home.
I also know that if I fill it up twice I'm good on my water intake!
I feel like every WILW has a theme... last week was being tan. This week it's more like being healthy or something. Not really sure. Speaking of health, does anyone out in bloggy land have any good cure/remedy for mosquito bites? The mister had a softball game Monday night to which I brought the puppy to... we sat in the grass. BAD IDEA. Ugh, I have at least 20 all over, from hands to 4 on my left foot. Someone help, please!! Well... I can smell the laundry from here, but no worries my loves, I'll be back later with lots of new stuff!!