I feel like I've been neglecting my poor Bloggy... I've just been busy creating!! Inside of my STRIPE Books I will be putting a com...
I feel like I've been neglecting my poor Bloggy... I've just been busy creating!!
Inside of my STRIPE Books I will be putting a communication journal. Basically I fold my cover in half so it makes the front of back of the book, then I copy lots of the lined paper, cut it, and staple it inside. I always have the kids keep these in their 'Bring Back' side and if Mom/Dad write in it, they turn it into the homework bin or in this year's case, homework drawer. It's easy and a great way to keep commincation.
I also provide parents with a set of 'Change in Transportation' notes for easy use. Nothing makes me crazier than parents who call at 3:30 when we're dismissing to change their kids dismissal or when I walk the kids to where they need to go and they're calling me over the walkie-talkies to tell me there's a parent somewhere else. These make it easy, peasy pie!!
I had a few people ask me for a few things in primary colors with dots, so I'm also posting them. I'll have another post later after I eat a yummy dinner here shortly with a few new things I've made. I have to put a few finishing touches on them before I post them.
Don't forget to enter the giveaway sillies!!!